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NYC Climate Rally

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I am proud and happy to have been able to march in the NYC Climate Rally, 2014. What an amazing day! The rally was well organized and energized with over 300,000 participants representing organizations from all over the world. My daughter and I marched with the NYC contingent of Eco-Schools USA (see story in this post). We marched side by side with a group of Dominican Republic environmental activists fighting for protection of the Loma Miranda preserve. It seems the government is selling to the highest bidder – a nickel mining operation, circumventing the people’s will – and right – to their country’s natural resources (sound familiar – Nestle/Fryeburg Maine?). Directly in front of us was a group of Physicians marching for the Environment, making a loud statement that climate change is a health issue. Passionate, inspirational groups were everywhere you looked. I’ll let the pictures do the talking…

A young marcher and her sign

A young marcher and her sign

Says it all

Says it all

Favorite Signs:How are you going to live without AIR?Co2nsequenceThere is no Planet BIt’s the EARTH stupid!I believe a leaf of grass is no less than the journey-work of the stars                                                                                                   – Walt Whitman
Polar Bear signs by the Grace Church School, NYC, 6th graders!

Polar Bear signs by the Grace Church School, NYC, 6th graders!

Eco-Schools USA marchers

Eco-Schools USA marchers

The most powerful sign that anyone could carry

The most powerful sign that anyone could carry

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